Modernism Memorial (Competition)

Modernism is a movement, which includes a plethora of innovative ideas regarding Architecture. One of the most basic factors that has influenced this movement is the revolutionary technology innovations such as the car, the telephone and many more. Simply put, the machine in general. The car especially is probably the most distinguishing symbol of this technological development and that is mainly the reason why it appears in many buildings' images of that time. A breakthrough that had a tremendous impact not only in transports but also in residences which were designed as if they were some well designed machines that serve people’s needs.
The core principle behind this proposal is exactly this car-machine. According to Le Corbusier the residence is a machine that works like a shell in which humans live while its design is mainly based in functionality. Against all odds, this plan didn’t actually work as it meant to.
The machine–memorial that we are proposing is based on the design values of modernism and also on the 5- points of Le Corbusier. In this case, we use these 5- points in a subversive way, aiming to show that maybe we should reconsider their sustainability and functionality.
                 The main lines of the machine-memorial follow the shape of the car incorporating the proportions of the ‘Modulor’. According to the latter, we create concrete surfaces that each one serves a certain body position as designed in Modulor. Beginning from the upper surface the heights are 1.83m (the average human height), 1.40m, 1.13m and finally 0.43m. These surfaces are based on metallic columns. The spaces between the columns have been calculated as multiplications of the number 0.30m, the rate that Le Corbusier used in his buildings. Inside the structure we place two curves of different heights made of perforated steel. The curves are similar to the curves of Villa Savoye.
                As far as the user of our memorial is concerned, he can reach its perimeter and observe it. Furthermore, we offer the user  the opportunity to seat at the lower level or place his hands at the next two levels in a comfortable stand position according to Modulor but he can never reach the inside of the construction. The reason why we designed the memorial in such a way is to indicate that even if modernism had the strong aspiration to fulfill  people’s needs, in practice this was never realized and we just admire the remains of this era as well designed constructions that are, in their majority, empty of uses.
             Our memorial is also 0.35m elevated from the ground as a reference to the ‘pilotis’. Being so short, the pilotis doesn’t give the opportunity to use it in the way it was designed to. Didn’t this happen also at the works of Le Corbusier? He was the one to invent the term of pilotis and describe it as the free space under the house where the nature dominates. Contrary to his beliefs, even at the Villa Savoye he uses the pilotis as a parking lot. On the other hand, the free curves inside the construction underline the impossibility to feel secure and protected at a free designed ground plan. That is why these curves also impede the entry to the machine – memorial.
                    In a nutshell, we cannot help but wonder; did modern architecture achieve its goal of creating functional and sustainable spaces for the users or are the constructions of that time just admirable monuments?
Modernism Memorial (Competition)

Modernism Memorial (Competition)

«Modernism Memorial: A Funerary Monument for the Death of Modernism». This competition aims to bring together contemporary interpretations concer Read More
